Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Parents Make the Grade at Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conference season is upon us, and while the conference you attend may only be 15 minutes long, it is an important 15 minutes. The parent-teacher partnership is an important relationship in the educational success of a child. Here are a few suggestions for parents to help make the conference experience a productive one.

1. Contact the teacher immediately for any changes in your appointment. The teacher needs to meet with 20 to 25 sets of parents. It’s usually possible to reschedule, but the earlier you do it, the better.

2. Be on time. The appointment time is already short enough. Take advantage of every scheduled minute by being punctual. This also helps the teacher to stay on schedule which is a courtesy to other parents.

3. Contact the teacher in advance if you want to discuss a specific concern about your child. This will give the teacher the opportunity to prepare and organize materials that address your particular issue.

4. Realize that you may have to return for a follow-up meeting. The situation of your child may require another appointment to further discuss concerns. Or, if a plan for improvement is put into place, it will be necessary to have other meetings to report on progress.

5. Remember that teachers and parents are all on the same side. Approach this relationship as a partnership. Everyone’s goal is the educational success of your child. Teachers love it when parents work alongside them to support the educational endeavors of the classroom.

6. It’s okay to be frustrated. Calmly explain to the teacher why you’re frustrated. Work with the teacher to find solutions to the problems that your child faces. Come in with an open mind and be open to suggestions.

7. Teachers are great resources for you. They’re experts in their fields, and they’ll be glad to share their knowledge. For example, if you have specific questions about standardized test scores or an educational topic, ask the teacher. The teacher will be happy to explain these.

8. Frequently check your child’s grades online. Online grade books are an excellent tool for monitoring educational progress. If you’ve been a regular visitor to the online grade book, you won’t have any surprises when you attend the conference.

9. If the teacher uses technology to communicate, such as e-mails and websites, be a frequent user of these tools. Not only will it give you vital information about the class, but you’ll get a feeling for who the teacher is. You’ll walk into the conference with a greater understanding of classroom expectations.

10. Both parents should attend the conference, if possible. This gives the teacher a chance to meet and interact with both parents.

When teachers and parents work together, everyone wins. View the parent-teacher conference as an opportunity for you to help your child be as educationally successful as possible. The teacher is your greatest ally in this endeavor.

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